
Clubs and Camps

iED Clubs & Camps

Immersive Education (iED) Clubs and Camps engage learners of all ages and levels (K-12, college, university and corporate professionals) using a range of immersive learning technologies. iED Clubs and Camps may focus exclusively on the use of one specific form of immersive learning technology (such a Virtual Reality, Minecraft, or Scratch, for example) or any combination of technologies.

From Bits to Atoms

3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), refers to various processes used to synthesize a three-dimensional object. The term "3D printing" can refer to a variety of processes in which material is deposited, joined or solidified under computer control to create a three-dimensional object, with material being added together (such as liquid molecules or powder grains being fused together), typically layer by layer. A 3D printer can be considered to be a type of industrial robot.
